Wednesday, July 25, 2018

A cheat day in my commute

Hello Reader,

Today I got out of the house about 15 minutes too late, I thought about driving in....then I thought "how can I make this work and still ride home from work?"

If instead of my usual 16 mile trip in, I rode down the hill 3 miles or so and catch the bus to a transit center in the same vicinity of my work then I can make it on time and still get to ride home!

Luckily for me the bus was 3 minutes late, I removed the panniers from the bike and loaded it onto the bus bike rack and hopped in. New road from transit center to work... it turned out to be alright. Make the decision, then figure out the best way to execute! Thank you to Google Maps!

Until next time, keep the rubber side down,

The Diesel Cyclist

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